Discover, the Axereal student community
Conscious that we need young people to help us follow our ambitious trajectory, in 2022 we launched our student community, Discover.
Our objectives were :
To help apprentices, interns and VIE volunteers to settle into the group and develop our community spirit.
To engage them by inviting them to get involved in strategic decision-making
Axereal's Happy apprentices, interns and Vie volunteers
Today, more than ever, it is essential that the lived experiences of our young people are aligned with the engagements of our group.
That is why we decided to run an employee satisfaction survey for our Discover community.
We worked with ChooseMyCompany, a firm that assesses and accredits companies annually via several labels, including the “HappyIndex Trainees” label based on an independent survey of interns and apprenticeship students in companies.
Axereal was awarded the HappyIndex 2024 label.
The main results of the survey were as follows:
- 88.1% of our apprentices recommend Axereal Group
- 87% of our students say that their work has been useful and has had an impact on the success of the team and the projects (7 points above the average of the companies surveyed by ChooseMyCompany)
- 80% of our students feel that Axereal Group takes sufficient account of current environmental issues (7 points above the average of the companies surveyed by ChooseMyCompany)
Interested in an apprenticeship, internship or VIE placement?