

Opening of the recruitment campaign for seasonal workers

Saisonnier Axereal 2022
Groupe paragraphe
Champs à renseigner

As every year, the agricultural activities of the Axereal group will welcome 900 seasonal workers from spring, then more intensely during the summer harvest.
Now is the time to apply!

Students in support of the silo teams during the harvest, drivers for the uprooting of potatoes and beets, sorters, operators for the vegetable and seed activities: 900 opportunities to be seized to join the various activities mainly based in the greater region Centre-Val de Loire but also Ile de France, Normandy and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

“If the work of seasonal workers is intense, like what these periods represent in the fields, it remains for many young people in particular an unforgettable experience. The missions are concrete, in direct contact with essential activities that speak to everyone, and allow experience in the field that is certainly valued on a CV. The workload is heavy, but so are the memories! explains Joan Vallet, Director of Human Resources and Communication for the Agriculture & Sectors Axéréal branch.

In short…

When are seasonal workers expected?
Late June early August: key period for the summer harvest
April to June: vegetable activities
July to October: potato and beet activities, seeds
September to November: autumn harvests

What profiles are sought?
Most positions are open to students from the age of 18, ideally holders of a B license and transported.
For some trades, EC/EB/FIMO/FCO permits are real assets.

Do you have to come from an agricultural background to be seasonal at Axereal?
No, it is not necessary to have any special knowledge to be seasonal. Training is provided upstream, now available in digital version. It presents the missions, and raises awareness of safety on the sites. Some trades require the driving of handling equipment and training will be carried out via an external organization.

Are the missions physical?
The days are intense, like the period. But the missions are accessible to everyone.

Are the missions interesting?
Summer harvests, for example, provide students with daily contact with cooperative teams and farmers. Beyond the tasks to be carried out, the exchanges are rich and provide varied knowledge on the agricultural and food sectors.

Can you be seasonal for several years in a row?
Of course ! Many seasonal workers return several years in a row. This period also allows some students to position themselves on work-study opportunities.

How to apply?
Candidates can apply on our website: