A collective ambition:
Sustainable growth

Our commitments

Our Commitments

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By supporting farmers through the agricultural transition and helping bring high-quality food to the market, we are building an agile, resilient model that is constantly improving, with the aim of creating value for all our stakeholders.

As farmers, customers and colleagues of a cooperative group and its businesses, we are committed day in, day out, to making sustainability a pillar of our development.

For farmers, we develop high-potential channels based on approaches to farming that are sustainable in both environmental and economic terms. We encourage the agronomic and combinatorial solutions that are best adapted to our territories and our environment, support farmers in all their diversity, and seek out the best markets for our members’ production. Working with them, we are advancing towards practices that make a positive contribution to the preservation of resources, ensure grain produced is safe and hygienic, support biodiversity and make decision-making tools an integral part of technical itineraries.

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The agricultural and food transition is a vital pillar of our group’s strategy. We take account of a range of viewpoints and place practical realities and research at the heart of our decision-making, guided by common sense and a long-term vision. Sustainable development has been a cornerstone of the cooperative’s values for many years.

Infos citation
Pierre Toussaint, Sustainable Development Director, Axereal
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Pierre Toussaint

CultivUp: our sustainable agriculture framework, established 2018

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CultivUp Regeneratif
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Some 4,000 farmers are already involved in Axereal’s proprietary CultivUp strategy, and so are being supported through the change in practices that the agroecological transition will demand. CultivUp is based on regular audits and serves as a foundation from which to build up sustainable channels. The standard consists of 70 environmental, economic and social criteria which farmers must follow. It is certified “environmental value level 2” by the French ministry of agriculture and food, and meets the silver-level requirements of the SAI Platform global sustainable agriculture standard.

In 2024, CultivUp will evolve to become CultivUp Régénératif, to support the introduction of regenerative agriculture by farmers within Axereal group. The new standard includes indicators of outcomes linked to regenerative agriculture to demonstrate the environmental benefits of actions and strategies put in place to reduce greenhouse gases, reinforce soil fertility and protect nature.

Intact: making in-roads into plant protein in the Centre-Val de Loire region

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By taking a stake in Intact, Axereal has set in motion the creation of a plant protein production channel, primarily to supply the food industry. Intact is a French start-up which has devised an all-new, low-carbon, dry extraction process for pulses. 

This venture takes the cooperative into a new market which will extend all the way from the crop in the field through to the value-added product, using a planet-friendly approach perfectly in line with our regenerative agriculture model. 

The pea protein crop that will kick off the venture has an agronomic interest as it is able to capture nitrogen from the air and transfer it to the soil to fertilise it naturally. This limits the need for fertilisers and reduces CO2 emissions. Since the 2023 harvest, “Intact ambassador” farmers have been contributing to improving knowledge and practices relating to this under-utilised crop and identifying the practices that will optimise yields. The first Intact factory is being built in Centre-Val de Loire, in France. 

It will be completed in late 2024 and, once fully up and running, will process 30,000 tonnes of peas per year.

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